Friday, March 2, 2012

Indications for tooth extraction

Indication of tooth extraction: crown conditions, not the treatment of advanced periodontal disease teeth; dental disease with severe caries, the teeth can not be repaired, but if the root and root weeks in good condition, you can do after treatment or over denture, do not have to unplug; root canal therapy and other methods to retain the root of the periodontitis lesions; the teeth of the trauma of teeth due to trauma fracture to the gingival, or both root fracture, can not be saved by other treatments, the fracture line should be determined depending on the circumstances, the general should be kept; the location of displacement or dislocation of the tooth such as to affect the function dental instruments and appearance, caused by disease or trauma, should unplug; cause adjacent teeth to caries or repeated cause periodontitis of impacted teeth; errors or hinder the functional and esthetic teeth should be removed; treatment needs: subtrahend teeth for orthodontic reasons.

Dentures need removal of the tooth; radiotherapy for the prevention of serious complications necessary to remove teeth; benign tumor or cyst affected teeth can not be retained or should be removed due to the need for medical treatment, should be removal of deciduous teeth. But in the adult dentition of deciduous teeth, below the permanent teeth Invisible Orthodontics what are the characteristics or permanent teeth impacted, such as deciduous teeth without loosening and function, you do not have to unplug; lesions suspected to cause certain diseases teeth should be removed. Caused some local diseases, such as mandibular osteomyelitis, go far maxillary sinus lesions teeth, removal of acute inflammation have been controlled.

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