Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The dentures Series: gum care (metal reinforcement)

The removable denture patients are free to pick to wear prosthesis. It is the traditional method of repair of the morphology and function of missing teeth.

Activities denture advantage:

1. Partial denture patients can pick their own wear, easy to clean, easy to maintain a denture cleaning and oral hygiene.

2. The production method is simple, lower cost, in line with the level of the average consumer.

3. Worn tooth structure than a fixed bridge, the patient is easy to accept.

4. The event of break or natural teeth missing after another is also easy to repair and additions.

Activities denture shortcomings:

1. The large volume of removable dentures, components, first wearing patients often have foreign body sensation, and sometimes affect the dental instruments pronunciation, cause nausea.

2. Activities denture stability and chewing performance were not as good as fixed partial dentures.

3. If the denture design unreasonable, poor production quality, the patient can bring the abutment and the mucosal tissue injury, there tartar accumulation of plaque, caries and periodontitis, accelerate alveolar absorption, temporal mandibular joint disorders and other adverse consequences.

The types of removable dentures: cross linking removable denture, casting bracket removable denture

Metal materials, cobalt chromium alloy stent removable denture, titanium stent, and gold-plated stents. Titanium stent biocompatibility, corrosion resistance Root canal treatment equipment and technology innovation and safety of the best X-ray penetrable, its weight is 1/4 of the precious metals, light, thin, clever is the ideal active restoration.

Complete denture is a denture made ​​for patients with a full mouth of missing teeth. Complete denture base and artificial teeth. Complete denture base material can be divided into the resin and metal second category. The metal is divided into ordinary and precious metals class.

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