The oral experts the pulpitis commonly known as tooth neuralgia. Refers to the late symptoms of acute pulpitis. In fact, the pulpitis endanger not only the pain, such as pulpitis is not treated in time. Will produce toxins resulting in pulp necrosis, which causes such as periapical meningitis, periapical abscess, or even to the cause of facial cellulitis and periapical cyst, very serious consequences. So pulpitis must timely treatment. Many patients will be very puzzled why pulpitis, how to have a pulpitis?
Oral experts that the cause of the pulpitis bacterial factors, physical factors, chemical factors, and idiopathic factors.
Chemical factors. Teeth within the absorption, the absorption can cause tooth outside some pulp disease of unknown cause.
Physical factors. Acute dental trauma, such as traffic accidents, athletic, violent fight to the teeth by crashing or eating suddenly chewing hard objects, as well as the medical work in the accident, such as dentition correction when too much force, rapid tooth movement, tooth extraction harming the adjacent root weeks, curettage and deep periodontal pockets injury apical blood vessels caused by mechanical trauma, traumatic occlusion, chronic bite wounds caused by high fillings or other restorations occlusal mechanical trauma.
Bacterial factors. Pulpitis can be said is an infection of the disease, the bacteria is an important pathogenic factor of pulp disease. Way cause of pulp infection through dental infection, periodontal infection and blood infection in three aspects. Caries, accidental the traumatic odontoclasis and drilling molar body exposed pulp, wedge-shaped defects dental instruments in the exposed pulp, the elderly serious wear of the exposed pulp, abnormal central sharp break or wear of the exposed pulp, malformation of the lingual fossa or deformity of the tongue side of the ditch at the bottom of teeth dentin thin enamel covering, cracked tooth depth of the canal, bacteria can be directly infected with exposed pulp, such as coverage in the pulp tissue, bacteria and their toxic products through dentinal tubules to reach the canal cause pulp infection; bacteria in periodontal tissue may also be the periodontal pockets to Several factors affect the price of teeth whitening root tip, into the pulp chamber causing retrograde infection through the apical foramen, this via the periodontal infection pulp the pulpitis called retrograde pulpitis; pulpitis caused by blood infection is very rare.
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