Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Root canal treatment endodontics?

Efficient: save time and effort, over 60 times the speed of high-speed mobile phone and clean-up function up manual efficiency, synchronous flush and root canal enlargement;

Good governance: the application of ultrasonic cleaning root canal with pipe forming, cleaning effect, less smear layer is formed, is conducive to root canal obscuration adhesion, timely filling after root canal preparation. Less postoperative reaction, and can be a good solution to the conventional treatment failure cases in the treatment of clinical encounter. Abnormal root canal anatomy and dental instruments bending rare cases of difficulty, as well as removal of obstruction from a variety of root canal problems;

Precise: the application of electronic apex locator root canal working length, easy to operate, fast, accurate, reliable, and accurate readings over filling or owe to fill significantly reduce, the treatment time is greatly reduced.

Thorough disinfection: root canal disinfection of the root canal using microwave radiation to kill bacteria in the root canal, skills antibacterial effect, another What factors influence fixed denture retention apical sealing performance. Avoid the side effects of the drug in the root canal.

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