Monday, February 13, 2012

The Toothache should prompt treatment

Hot and cold sweet and sour stimuli will toothache, and after that can ease the often teeth sensitive dentin, the signal of the cavities, periodontal disease, should seek immediate medical treatment of disease, to avoid the further development of the dental.

Spontaneous, paroxysmal toothache often is the dental instruments cavity deep injuries to the pulp due to severe pain at this time, even if the painkillers also difficult to have effect. Here because of the narrow pulp cavity. The walls of hard bone tissue, pulp inflammation, exudation increase, caused by increased pressure within the canal, should immediately seek medical treatment can ease the pain. After treatment after this time, the dental is completely curable.

When knocking tooth pain or facial swelling, mostly in the longer course, the pulp has been rot or root inflammation abscess has formed. Patients with persistent pain, and dare not bite, facial swelling, fever and other clinical symptoms, the occurrence of periodontal disease may also Two methods of correction dentition experience this symptom. Many patients think that you should eat anti-inflammatory drugs, such as toothache or swelling to go to hospital for treatment, which is the apical chronic inflammation often to patients leaving is difficult to cure, the best way is to get medical treatment, and line drug therapy under the guidance of a doctor. Such teeth are most curable.

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