Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What care is required after the orthodontic?

First. After fifty-six hours water, juice, milk and other liquids.

Second. The most serious swelling twenty-three days after surgery, and disappeared after two weeks. The exact surgical results after two or three months will be displayed.

Third. After a few days ago is best to eat only liquid food items such as soup, porridge, and then transition to a semi-liquid soft food.

Fourth. Need to take antibiotics to prevent inflammation, less than a week after surgery.

Fifth. Less than a week after the surgery best cold, to continue after fomentation as well. Do not lie, often sit or walk around a little as well.

Sixth. Due to surgery in the mouth, immediately rinse your mouth with water and then gargle mouthwash after eating, to be kept clean at all times. Do not drink alcohol and smoking; this would be very detrimental to dental instruments their recovery.

Seventh. After successful surgery, remember to What are the complications of implant denture develop normal eating habits, and habits, so that may be more long-term maintenance of effect of surgery.

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