Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Protect teeth Glister is the key

Many people have the habit of brushing teeth immediately after a meal, and that this will minimize the risk of dental However, recent studies have concluded that immediately after a meal brush your teeth harmful dental health, this is because, in the crown surface layer of enamel just eaten, especially when eating acidic foods, the enamel becomes soft, brush your teeth this time, will cause enamel damage, so after eating a good idea to rinse with water until 1-2 hours after brushing.

Smoking is not beneficial to protect the teeth, smoking not only the teeth black, but also alveolar damage, the data indicate that the bad teeth bone damage among smokers than dental instruments non-smokers more and impaired development of fast and serious.

Feel happy and good for dental health, tension, anxiety, fear and other mental stimulation can cause toothache.

Usually adhere to the movement of exercise such as jogging, walking, and often participate in as much physical labor, and maintaining good health, can delay the periodontal tissue atrophy, increase the resistance of the teeth, make teeth strong.

Patients with chronic lung disease must redouble be careful when brushing and teeth cleaning, oral care improper, bacteria in the mouth will be piled up, these should be Specific analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of cast porcelain teeth attached to the bacteria on the teeth into the human saliva, increase immunity to those who poor the possibility of people suffering from severe lower respiratory tract infections.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The scope of application of all-ceramic dental

In many types of porcelain teeth, all-ceramic dental excellent results of repair dental prosthesis. Because all-ceramic tooth does not contain any metal components, good biocompatibility, vivid color and natural, does not stimulate the gums to become the first choice of many stars teeth.

1. Teeth yellow black phenomenon, such as tetracycline, dental fluorosis, and dead dental pulp.

2. Straightening teeth abnormalities. For normal tooth development, such as small teeth, tooth gap width of individual teeth missing, enamel hyperplasia, repair of all-ceramic can be the dental instruments shape of the teeth color back to the ideal state.

3. Set complex of missing teeth. Missing teeth, missing teeth and teeth before and after doing the retention of teeth, coupled with missing teeth and several all-ceramic crowns together, cements in the retention of teeth, will be able to insert complex missing teeth.

4. Dental treatment to repair. A lot of dental treatment will leave dental problems, such as endodontic treatment, could easily lead to Extraction of the hazards discoloration of the teeth, feeding off and tooth fracture, the choice of all-ceramic crown can be avoided.

In order to ensure the effect of oral rehabilitation, America teeth who choose full porcelain teeth must first understand their oral suitable for all porcelain teeth, and then select.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Notes on tooth extraction in elderly

Elderly high-risk population of some systemic diseases, in the extraction of the time, special attention, experts say, tooth extraction in elderly should pay attention to these conditions: high blood pressure, heart rate, arrhythmia or aggravate cardiac insufficiency , angina attack. Tooth extraction in elderly how to avoid such a situation arises?

Shorten the extraction time: extraction time over 5 minutes, 17% of heart rate was accelerated, 37 percent of high blood pressure, 65% of arrhythmia, and 14% of ischemic ECG changes. This requires skilled doctors to operate patient ready with and strive to be completed within 5 minutes.

Anesthesia should be fully: To observe the poor anesthetic effect can make 42% of high blood pressure, 55% of the arrhythmia. That better or lidocaine local dental instruments anesthesia, painless tooth extraction can be achieved in full anesthesia safer.

Avoid mental stress: tension can make 36 percent of high blood pressure, 63% of arrhythmia, and 12% of ischemic ECG changes. Therefore, the extraction should dispel concerns, do not over-stretched. Taking the stability luminal tranquilizers and propranolol the heart of the matter, helps to eliminate the impact of mental stress.

Attention to the cardiac care: preoperative should do a comprehensive examination, an accurate evaluation of cardiac function. Patients with poor We must pay attention to the problem heart function should be rigorous cardiovascular monitoring and strict control of the extraction time and do painless tooth extraction.

The oldest old should be cautious: the tolerance of cardiovascular disease over 70 years of extraction is worse, more chance of danger, the need for tooth extraction, should be fully considered before given.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

All-ceramic dental restoration teeth without leaving traces

Speaking of porcelain teeth, many people are not unfamiliar to many higher-income white-collar workers has to do porcelain teeth as a fashion. All porcelain teeth because of a more realistic appearance, affinity to better highlight the advantages favored by the majority of patients.

With the increasingly high demand on the repair of dental aesthetics, all porcelain teeth have become everyone's new favorite. This new type of composite organism strong porcelain teeth and good transparency, excellent color, the shape is more realistic, and the hard, difficult to collapse porcelain.

All porcelain teeth can be indications in the oral cavity is extensive, can be severe tetracycline stained teeth, dental fluorosis, abnormal teeth, discolored teeth and various all-ceramic repair is currently the good quality of dentition defects approach.

Porcelain teeth of the most prominent feature are the dental instruments realistic appearance. All porcelain teeth using advanced ceramic material does not contain any metal, with air, water or other electrolyte contact; rapidly produce micro-oxide film, to avoid bacterial regeneration.

Inside and outside of all-ceramic dental porcelain body, good permeability, the reflection of light closer to natural teeth. Its color, brightness, extent than the ordinary porcelain teeth closer to the real teeth, and color seems to be particularly active.

Full-ceramic restorations can also be selected according to each tooth patients own conditions and needs, to achieve the best results, personalized US teeth. Many people, especially women are allergic to the metal in the metal ceramic crowns, so many patients out of the Note Notice the before and after extraction considerations in this respect, more willing to choose the all-ceramic crown.

All-ceramic dental biocompatibility, and can be completely ruled out an allergic reaction. All-ceramic tooth within the crown is a ceramic material, metal, and the gingival margin is a black line, no heavy feeling, gum swelling and bleeding, more do not have to worry about the bad metal ion exudation affect health.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Which teeth need to unplug

Extraction is very small in the oral treatment of a surgical procedure, under normal circumstances, most Bingya can fillings, treatment of gum disease treatment, only part of Paste in lost access to treatment, or dental lesion to the point of treatment when it should be pulled out.

Extraction indications: dental caries, can not be repaired; periodontal disease, periodontal tissue has been severely damaged, the teeth not only has lost chewing function, but also affect other healthy teeth and oral hygiene; teeth contusion broken and can not be cured, the impact of aesthetics, chewing food will be pain, or inflammation, purulent; position is not normal and dental instruments often inflammation also need to remove wisdom teeth; deciduous exceed replacement age, delay off, it would undermine the constant tooth eruption, resulting in permanent teeth tooth malalignment should unplug; have more teeth have to unplug. Neither this tooth chewing function, would affect the eruption of other teeth or other dental packed irregular, the impact of dental aesthetics and occlusion, or cause food impaction, prone to dental caries; has become the focus and long lasting teeth, you must disconnect. If not extracted, can cause disease in other tissues, organs; the impact of dental or The elderly tooth to be cautious orthodontic forced extraction, should also be pulled out.

Some circumstances, the above is the need for tooth extraction in dental treatment, the doctor in order to retain the original tooth, criteria, as long as can keep the original tooth, will adopt the best treatment for treatment to avoid tooth extraction.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Do not have to worry about orthodontics and more extraction

Often hear the doctor said, when tooth pain, try not to be easily tooth, straightening teeth Shique often tooth. For these cases, some patients with doubt. In this regard, the Durham oral experts pointed out that the extraction correction in orthodontic treatment, about 65% of patients required tooth correction; the public do not have to worry about.

Need of correction, often removal of four pairs of fangs, or sometimes necessary to remove the eruption or not the eruption of wisdom teeth. About 65% of the patients tooth correction, if not straightening teeth, wisdom tooth position of the majority of people bad influence periodontal and anterior teeth healthy and have to unplug. Extraction treatment in the history of the dental instruments development of Orthodontics, has withstood the test of clinical practice.

The experts pointed out that some diseases, such as teeth, severe crowding, and protrusion must be through the extraction treatment. If tooth extraction, not only deformity can not be corrected, painstakingly squeezed teeth will soon relapse back to the original deformity like. Although the removal of teeth have a gap, but these gaps generally do not have dental, doctors used to move teeth to The type and characteristics of the orthodontic treatment achieve the purpose of correction, the correction is completed, the gap will mostly shut down completely. Some open jaw, anti-jaw, occlusal relationship, this case extraction is also more common.

The steps of Orthodontics

Dentition, are also worried that the orthodontist a long time, too much trouble, and want to orthodontic concerns. Orthodontic experts believe that many people knowingly irregular teeth, not pretty, but do not want to go to the appliance are afraid of the pain and trouble.

The first visit to the formal sector first treatment. Doctor according to the wishes of the patient's deformity, preliminary estimates of the treatment program in general, about treatment, treatment time, costs and pay attention to the matter told orthodontic. Orthodontic correction intention, the doctor arranged for the patient photography, X-ray films, India, dental wax. Doctors to dental instruments measure and analyze this photo, X-ray photos, teeth model, according to the analysis of these data results to determine treatment options.

The doctor detailed treatment plan with the orthodontist communication, request for straightening teeth agreed and signed informed consent form, many orthodontics in the tooth wear of the appliance, some fillings, scaling, etc..

The most commonly used treatment methods into the activities of appliance and fixed appliance two methods. Active appliance by the patient self-remove and put on the cements in the teeth on the fixed appliance can not be removed. Simple treatment of a broad and complex treatment in deciduous teeth of and for the teeth of the permanent teeth of young people and adults. Severe bone deformity may also need surgery to treatment; it must be the doctor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral ulcers associated with what disease Department of Orthodontics, joint research, to determine the program and collaboration.

Maintain the dentition deformities have been corrected, the doctor has to meet the requirements, the removal of the original appliance, and then also need to give the patient to wear a retainer to prevent the teeth shift from a professional point of view. Maintaining general also need more than a year, about every three months a return visit.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Oral ulcers is not itself immune disease?

The human immune system is a relatively stable system, its balance, once broken; it is easy to get sick. But does not mean that an exception is the autoimmune disease in the immune indicators.

A large number of studies have shown that some immune parameters in patients with oral ulcers are not normal, but there are also some people it is normal to disease qualitative differences.

Many scholars believe that the disease are autoimmune diseases, in accordance with: the protracted illness repeatedly, sensitive to corticosteroids, there dental instruments were reports of about 70% -80% of recurrent oral ulcers anti-oral mucosal saline organizations pulp auto antibodies , while only 10% of the control group.

But it was also noted that these antibodies against the non-specificity of the oral mucosa, and in patients with recurrent oral ulcers were not investigated, see the anti-nuclear antibodies, and as one of the main indicators of autoimmune diseases, antinuclear antibodies, showing a variety of autoimmune diseases, so the disease can not be fully identified as autoimmune diseases. Normal human there is an extremely complex and sophisticated immune-conditioning system, including some immune cells and What is gum immune competent cells for a variety of factors; they form a complex regulatory network, controlling the normal immune function.

Although clearly not able to recurrent oral ulcers classified as autoimmune diseases team, but to be adjusted according to the patient's immune status is still very necessary. A balanced and stable immune system to resist disease is always favorable.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dental implant teeth - missing teeth of the best choice

Dental implant, also known as cultivation of the denture, a bionic tooth is made ​​of biological materials, divided into implanted inside the human jaw implants to support retention of the role and commitment to chew the crown of the role of two parts.

The dental implant as an ideal choice for one of the missing tooth repair, this is because it has many prominent advantages compared with conventional dentures:

1. The masticator function is much better than many traditional dentures;

2. Retention and stability, has a strong like real teeth, like rooted in the patient's mouth;

3. Less grinding or not grinding your own real teeth;

4. Denture base and clasp, the do not need dentures must nontaster a result of a large area plastic denture base, and comfort;

5 Small sizes, no exposed metal, beautiful, conducive to maintaining good oral hygiene.

The dental implant repair can be used for all types of missing teeth, but not every one tooth missing in patients with dental implants can be implanted. The oral examination should first professional physician, photo panoramic X-ray film and dental instruments does a routine blood examination in order to determine the suitability of surgery. In case of hemorrhagic disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, mental illness, endocrine disorders and other systemic diseases, in the stable condition before they can receive dental implants. General extraction three months after planting. Doctor based Dental defects the best treatment options on changes in patients with tooth loss and alveolar bone and jaw, the choice of a certain shape of the implant as an artificial tooth root implanted jaw, and then installed in its exposed mouth planting pile crowns, to obtain the autogenously teeth morphology and function.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dental implant needs a good conservation

Life, many patients with missing teeth after tooth loss, it will not, however natural to think through the mosaic porcelain teeth, dental implants, and other methods to repair. Porcelain teeth using metal materials, using a long time, very likely to cause black gums, swollen gums, and other conditions, resulting in a lot of people choose expensive and better biocompatibility of dental implant dental restorations. For patients with dental implant restoration, how to improve the useful life of dental implants?

1. Become the concern of many patients with prosthodontics dental implant is relatively expensive, how to protect the dental implant to dental instruments enhance its service life.

2. under normal circumstances, dental implant life about 15 years. But the service life of the dental implant according to self-routine maintenance has a direct relationship.

3. The dental implant restored patients with oral diseases through Comprehensive understanding of oral cancer daily their own clean, regular removal of tartar and plaque, the longest in patients with dental implants have been used for 30 years.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Beware of pulpitis toothache

Dental caries development to a certain extent will because pulpitis will cause a toothache. Caused by dental caries, pulpitis, because the cavity has reached the pulp cavities within the bacteria into the pulp cavity, causing pulpitis.

The pulpitis cause of toothache is extremely difficult to endure outside stimulus can also produce severe spontaneous pain, pain is intermittent. The majority of patients with pain during sleep at night is heavier, this is because the supine than when standing head in the lower dental instruments position, the pulp cavity more congestion, so that the pressure within the canal and nerve, so the pain is heavier. Hot and cold stimulation can make toothache worse. Suffering from pulpitis, the pain often along the trigeminal nerve distribution area radiation to the ipsilateral upper and lower teeth and the head and face, so patients often hemi headache, temple pain symptoms.

Pulp nerve endings only pain receptors and no orientation sensor, so patients tend to differentiate unclear which is Paste in, and sometimes on the toothache feeling is that under toothache. If tooth decay is the development of pulpitis, when the pain is more intense, was throbbing, thermal stimulation can aggravate cold stimulation can ease pain, such patients often like to Who is more likely to get oral cancer contain a cold water. And further development of the apical inflammation, the patient feels teeth long, can not bite with Paste in.

Be painful pulpitis caused the toothache, dental caries is caused by pulpitis are the most common cause. The experts said that, in fact, this situation can be prevented, early treatment of dental caries, prevent cavities developed into pulp, is to prevent pulpitis.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What are the advantages of dental implant?

The dental implant is the most advanced dental restorations, dental implants and dentures compared to many outstanding advantages. Traditional methods set installed dentures, without the support of the root of a full mouth of dentures and denture base is riding on the gums, gum mucosa directly affected by the force depend on the adsorption of saliva; some missing teeth set dental instruments filled with dentures, and more rely on the adjacent the need for support of the teeth on the adjacent teeth clasp retention or cutting of the adjacent teeth for crowns solid adjacent teeth vulnerable to injury.

Planting artificial root (implant) in the patient's jaw, dental implants, jaw and implant support and retention than traditional dentures, it has the following advantages: 1. Retention than traditional dentures to wear a solid, solid. 2. Chewing efficiency greatly improved over Teach you to recognize dental materials traditional dentures exactly like real teeth. 3. Teeth due to the dentures, denture base is small, full fixed implant or no base plate, so beautiful and comfortable, no foreign body sensation, a small influence on the pronunciation.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Toothache should prompt treatment

Hot and cold sweet and sour stimuli will toothache, and after that can ease the often teeth sensitive dentin, the signal of the cavities, periodontal disease, should seek immediate medical treatment of disease, to avoid the further development of the dental.

Spontaneous, paroxysmal toothache often is the dental instruments cavity deep injuries to the pulp due to severe pain at this time, even if the painkillers also difficult to have effect. Here because of the narrow pulp cavity. The walls of hard bone tissue, pulp inflammation, exudation increase, caused by increased pressure within the canal, should immediately seek medical treatment can ease the pain. After treatment after this time, the dental is completely curable.

When knocking tooth pain or facial swelling, mostly in the longer course, the pulp has been rot or root inflammation abscess has formed. Patients with persistent pain, and dare not bite, facial swelling, fever and other clinical symptoms, the occurrence of periodontal disease may also Two methods of correction dentition experience this symptom. Many patients think that you should eat anti-inflammatory drugs, such as toothache or swelling to go to hospital for treatment, which is the apical chronic inflammation often to patients leaving is difficult to cure, the best way is to get medical treatment, and line drug therapy under the guidance of a doctor. Such teeth are most curable.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Extraction of the contraindications

The extraction of oral outpatient minor surgery, many people have tasted the taste of tooth extraction. Tooth extraction, such as if not avoided, will stir up a lot of trouble, even life-threatening. Therefore, to understand the extraction taboo is more important.

1. Pregnant women avoid tooth extraction: pregnant women extraction three months of pregnancy can cause miscarriage, eight months pregnant women extraction can lead to premature delivery.

2. Habitual abortion ban extraction.

3. Avoid extraction with hematologic diseases: leukemia, regenerative anemia, pernicious anemia, hemophilia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purport patients, such as tooth extraction, due to the lack of clotting factor and platelet function between the obstacle and dental instruments can cause severe bleeding and life-threatening.

4. Diabetic patients avoid tooth extraction: its resistance of bacteria generally decreased after tooth extraction lead to various infections, made ​​it worse.

5 Heart patients avoid tooth extraction: extraction due to the patient, fear, nervousness pull, coupled with the extraction will affect and pain stimulation, the patient may occur at any time cardiovascular accidents and sudden death.

6. Cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis patients avoid tooth extraction: these people have a tendency to bleed, and may cause bleed after tooth extraction.

7. During the acute infectious disease avoid tooth extraction: acute hepatitis, tuberculosis activities of measles, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, and a variety of acute inflammatory period. Tooth extraction, it is prone to the proliferation of postoperative infection and inflammation, so avoid tooth extraction before the disease healed.

8. Menstrual period avoid tooth extraction: the extraction of the menstrual period will cause excessive menstrual flow, resulting in non-physiological blood loss.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Root canal treatment on the brain influential?

This is a very common clinical problem, and many of our Chinese people, there is a misunderstanding, many people often ask, you pulled out my tooth nerve is not that affect the brain? Because he wanted nerve is certainly linked to the central nervous system of the brain, this is a misunderstanding. We usually refer to the nerve; others want a nerve in charge of how I feel this is right. But now usually refers to the nerve in the oral outpatient treatment only refers to the pulp nerve, the nerve inside the tooth, the role of this nerve doing? Feel a strong physical (such as hot and cold) and chemical (such as sweet and sour) stimulation. Under normal circumstances, this part of the nerve will not be passed to the dental insturments brain sensory signals. The tooth is an empty pipe; there are nerves and blood vessels, arteries, veins.

The neurotoxin nutrition our teeth inside the cell made ​​Odon oblasts, teeth, slight wear even long natural accumulation of severe wear process, will be repaired by dentin hyperplasia, which is the protection mechanism of the human. Partly in order to maintain the thickness of the teeth, the dental hard tissue to grow that this rate is limited, the growth rate with age is How long is life of removable dentures getting lower and lower. Nerve unplugs function, resulting in dental nutrition metabolism, the discoloration of the teeth become brittle. Will not affect the feeling of speaking, we usually run on the teeth met the lower teeth, this sensory nerve is not pulp nerves, but the periodontal nerve pull marrow of this feeling, no feeling.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Why removable dentures will change?

Wide range of removable denture use, inexpensive, easy to make, which allows it to receive a large number of consumers of all ages. Removable denture, there are many obvious shortcomings, which color is that many people will wear a removable denture problems encountered.

Common reasons of dentures color in two ways: First, the aging of denture materials, color change, more common in plastic dentures, another pigment deposition in the mouth is attached to the denture surface, such as tobacco, tea, soy sauce, vinegar, pigment material denture surface.

How to prevent the denture coloring? Daedal when the daily early morning, dinner, bedtime should be brushing dentures. Pigment have attached, do not self-tick scratch, to avoid damage to the denture. Can be used the denture net detergent soaked to remove the pigment may also request the physician to remove tartar, re-polishing.

How to select the removable denture material? Production of denture materials, can be divided into metallic and nonmetallic two categories. The metal material mainly used for making denture clasp, and support care, and connectors, brackets, and a variety of metal crowns, dental splint, non-metallic materials, mainly plastic. Plastic and composite resin can be widely used in the production dental instruments of dentures, crowns, denture base (commonly known as denture), but also as to modify the denture material. The ceramics are mainly used in making crowns.

More than material advantages and disadvantages, such as plastic is easy to manufacture, modify, easy to use, but not wearable. Good wear resistance of porcelain teeth, but combined with denture base is not strong, easy to fall off, not easy to modify. When the in The gums surface anatomical structures denture concrete production, by physicians based on patients with oral conditions, the patient's requirements, material characteristics and medical conditions.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The toothache Mock easily tooth

Toothache is a how vexing problem, as long as a pain up very terrible, a lot of people in intolerable circumstances, we strongly ask doctors to its extraction, the phenomenon is particularly common in small clinics, toothache, pull However, you can know that you unplug one can make contributions to the teeth.

Do not tooth extraction, toothache, oral medical profession and dental materials has developed rapidly, there are a lot of teeth to improve the treatment and repair does not affect the appearance and chewing function, especially easy to affect the appearance incisors.

The tooth is made of four kinds of tissues: enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp. When caries limited to enamel or superficial nature, and will not cause a pulp reaction dental instruments and pain. This is the best time of the treatment, just regular addition to caries, disinfection, filling to complete treatment, the whole process there was no pain.

When caries affected pulp tissue causing pain, even pain, can be performed under local anesthesia in addition to dental caries, go to a series of treatment of the marrow and other teeth were able to save and restore functions. Even if the progression of the disease, the inflammation of the apical violations resulting in localized swelling and cause systemic reactions, fever, also has How to prevent swollen gums therapeutic value. Opening the chamber drainage, to conduct a thorough root canal treatment, can still make the teeth preserved and restore the chewing function.

A wide range of dental defects, but the stability and periodontal health can also be fixed by treatment. However, for teeth degree of loosening, periodontal disease and root concave subgingival who, as no therapeutic value, should be unplug.

The toothache Mock easily tooth

Toothache is a how vexing problem, as long as a pain up very terrible, a lot of people in intolerable circumstances, we strongly ask doctors to its extraction, the phenomenon is particularly common in small clinics, toothache, pull However, you can know that you unplug one can make contributions to the teeth.

Do not tooth extraction, toothache, oral medical profession and dental materials has developed rapidly, there are a lot of teeth to improve the treatment and repair does not affect the appearance and chewing function, especially easy to affect the appearance incisors.

The tooth is made of four kinds of tissues: enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp. When caries limited to enamel or superficial nature, and will not cause a pulp dental instruments reaction and pain. This is the best time of the treatment, just regular addition to caries, disinfection, filling to complete treatment, the whole process there was no pain.

When caries affected pulp tissue causing pain, even pain, can be performed under local anesthesia in addition to dental caries, go to a series of treatment of the marrow and other teeth were able to save and restore functions. Even if the progression of the disease, the inflammation of the apical violations resulting in localized swelling and cause systemic reactions, fever, also has How to prevent swollen gums therapeutic value. Opening the chamber drainage, to conduct a thorough root canal treatment, can still make the teeth preserved and restore the chewing function.

A wide range of dental defects, but the stability and periodontal health can also be fixed by treatment. However, for teeth degree of loosening, periodontal disease and root concave subgingival who, as no therapeutic value, should be unplug.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

How to do tooth decay caused by toothache?

Tooth decay caused by a toothache is tooth decay development to dentin, the patient will cause pain when eating hot and cold sweet and sour things, if not aggressive treatment at this time, when tooth decay development to the pulp, causing pulp inflammation causes toothache will make patients more uncomfortable, and often will make the patient pain and dental instruments this pain is more likely to recur in the evening, lay flat when the patient will feel more pain toothache tooth decay caused by the how do? The experts said that the decay has caused pain; no longer must delay to treatment be timely treatment.

Cavities in general, fillings and root canal therapy treatment, the specific manner in which the treatment depends on the situation of decay. Toothache tooth decay caused by the general use of these methods can be an effective treatment: the decay of the early use Dental implant teeth Third Life of medication; to fill the cavities of tooth decay has been formed; cavities depth pulp, root canal treatment; if tooth decay has been caries to no reservations necessary, it is necessary to unplug and then the denture.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Planted teeth with what materials

Hospital experts, dental implant is not really on the natural teeth, but by the way of medical compatibility with human bone, titanium metal precision design, manufacture into root-like cylinders or other shapes to surgery minor surgery to implant alveolar bone of the edentulous ridge, after three months later, when the artificial tooth root and alveolar bone close together, and then the production of porcelain crown on the implant. Able to withstand normal chewing forces in the dental implant looks with real teeth.

Dental implant materials?

Planting the tooth root with materials such as gold, precious stones, lead, iron, iridium, platinum, silver, and porcelain, rubber, ivory and other. With industrial development, the emergence of high strength and corrosion resistance of metal materials, such as cobalt-chromium alloy, titanium, tantalum, etc... Commonly used implant materials, titanium, coated with titanium or titanium alloy substrate. The physical and chemical properties of titanium are light, stainless steel and dental instruments high strength, good process ability with that. Wide range of applications of titanium in medical care such as artificial bones and joints, heart valves, cardiac pacemakers, dental implants, and so on. Titanium has good resistance to abrasion, corrosion resistance, and is formed on the surface oxide film, oxidation resistance at room temperature stable in the air heated oxide heated to 800 degrees or higher. Semiconducting, low modulus of elasticity similar to bone, can produce resonance, good biocompatibility, no side effects of non-toxic, non-magnetic, no stimulation, in vivo stability, wet ability, and not attached to organic matter, has a good application prospects.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Metal ceramic crowns the advantages and disadvantages

Surrounding a lot of people because of missing teeth, dental anomalies, to the formal oral hospital after receiving dental restorations, to wear the porcelain crown, but this porcelain crown what are the advantages and disadvantages of it?

First of metal ceramic crown has the advantage of:

1. Remarkably lifelike, the color is good. Ceramic crowns, porcelain powder sculpture and baked, so you can make the various forms required. Application of shade guide according to the patients I stay in tooth color and the needs of patients to choose a satisfactory color. And porcelain, sculpture and is made ​​according to the level of natural tooth structure, so the color depth of the dental instruments transition, naturally dull. By glazed finish with natural teeth, and the tooth surface is not easily attached to the plaque.

2. Not easy to deformation, color stability. After the firing of the ceramic powder by the stable performance, no deformation and color stability, especially precious metal porcelain crown color stable.

3. Good physical properties and strong resistance to fracture and wear.

PFM technology also exists the following inadequacies: 1, PFM production process more complex, technical difficulty, medicine `Education Network need for high quality specialized equipment, materials collected. 2, tooth cutting, the patient can tolerate and co-ordination. 3, the tooth neck of the prosthesis deployment into the natural color of the more difficult. 4, porcelain brittle and prone to porcelain crack, porcelain crack repair more difficult.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Does dental implant will hurt you?

All teeth missing in the way of restoration, the teeth are the best planting techniques, and is currently the most popular dental way, some friends in the choice of dental technology have grown to such concerns, worried about growing the teeth or gums, tooth damage , so the teeth do not hurt the teeth will grow it?

Hospital experts said dental implant, teeth grow through artificial tooth structure, the general design into metal titanium material within the alveolar bone, and then into dental porcelain tooth structure, dental implants teeth so as to achieve the purpose of this tooth planting method is minimal damage to the teeth themselves, and not damage adjacent teeth, the human body does not dental instruments cause great harm. So it is a safe method of tooth restoration, but also very mature way teeth grow.

Technology itself is growing teeth help improve oral bite and restore the teeth to chew, cut bite function, but in real life, due to various reasons, there are some teeth will grow dissatisfied with the consequences, such as planting after the tooth is not strong discoloration of the teeth , occlusal discomfort, the effect is not long maintained. This is how it happened? In fact, in many cases to be Certain early treatment of dental fluorosis divided, for example, there is the use of substandard implant causes, improper operation of the reasons, but also because of improper care and maintenance.